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Short Tales

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Short Tales: Class Audio CDs & Answer Keys


Level 1

Penny Hen Goes Away Audio CDs→ 
Penny Hen Goes Away Key→

The Angry Elephant Audio CDs→
The Angry Elephant Key→

The Dancing Camel Audio CDs→
The Dancing Camel Key→

The Flies and the Honey Audio CDs→
The Flies and the Honey Key→

The Lucky Hare Audio CD→
The Lucky Hare Key→


The Friendly Bear Audio CD→
The Friendly Bear Key→


Level 2

A Tale of Two Trees Audio CD→
A Tale of Two Trees Key→

Bruno Bear Catches a Cold Audio CD→
Bruno Bear Catches a Cold Audio Key→

Freddy Frog Climbs a Mountain Audio CD→
Freddy Frog Climbs a Mountain Key→


The Clever Little Mouse Audio CD→
The Clever Little Mouse Key→

The Kind Man Audio CD→
The Kind Man Key→


Level 3

How Orangutans Got Their Fur Audio CD→
How Orangutans Got Their Fur Key→

The Farmer & the Donkey Audio CD→
The Farmer & the Donkey Key→

The Rooster and the Pearl Audio CD→
The Rooster and the Pearl Key→

The Smart Owl Audio CD→
The Smart Owl Key→

The Tired King Audio CD→
The Tired King Key→

The Pied Piper Audio CD→
The Pied Piper Key→


Level 4

Christmas Magic Audio CDs→
Christmas Magic Key→

Fleecy Sheep Goes on Holiday Audio CDs→
Fleecy Sheep Goes on Holiday Key→

Sasha and the Tree Fairy Audio CDs→
Sasha and the Tree Fairy Key→

The Clever Squirrel Audio CDs→
The Clever Squirrel Key→

The Hippo who Wanted to be Fit Audio CDs→
The Hippo who Wanted to be Fit Key→


The Might of a Mere Mouse Audio CDs→
The Might of a Mere Mouse Key→


 Level 5

The Tailless Dassie Audio CDs→
The Tailless Dassie Key→


Two Little Drops of Water Audio CDs→
Two Little Drops of Water Key→

The Kind Elephant and the Greedy Man Audio CDs→
The Kind Elephant and the Greedy Man Key→

The Woodcutter and the Fairy Audio CDs→
The Woodcutter and the Fairy Key→


The Woodcutter and the Lion Audio CDs→
The Woodcutter and the Lion Key→

The Kangaroo That Lost her pouch Audio CDs→
The Kangaroo That Lost her pouch Key→


Level 6

The Flying Carpet Audio CDs→
The Flying Carpet Key→


The Porcupine and the Curious Boy Audio CDs→
The Porcupine and the Curious Boy Key→


The Mice and the Weasels Audio CDs→
The Mice and the Weasels Key→


The Lazy Rooster Audio CDs→
The Lazy Rooster Key→


The Farmer and the Snake Audio CDs→
The Farmer and the Snake Key→


Two Lazy Friends Audio CDs→
Two Lazy Friends Key→

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